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Afternoon Delight: Denies Me by Megan Hart

Denies Me - Megan Hart

Denies Me by Megan Hart 
Series: Every Part of You, Serial #4 
Genres: Contemporary Romance 
Published by St. Martin's Griffin 
Published on March 18, 2014 
Pages: 32 
Format: eARC 
Amazon | B&N | Goodreads 
Rating: four-stars 

The Delight

A budding relationship starts only to be torn apart, leaving two people in shambles. There is true emotion from happy to heartbreaking. Will the mistakes made compromise them beyond redemption? This is one of my favorite parts of this serial!

At the end of Taunt Me, Elliott is starting to get more possessive of Simone. He didn’t want to date or make her is girlfriend, but when he finds out she might have played with her friend, he decides he has to start dating her. Simone on the other hand hasn’t gone on dates. She knows what she wants and she doesn’t play games to find it. While dating the sex takes a back burner and Simone starts to lose her heart to Elliott. Things seem to be finally going somewhere.


In this story we learn more about Elliott and Molly. Molly is Elliott’s step mother in a way. Elliott’s father was married to Molly but had affairs on her producing Elliott. But Molly took him in and took care of him. Molly is now dying in a nursing home but Elliott still visits her often even if she can’t remember him. Well, this was on episode of going back in time and revealing the family secrets.


Then BOM! Something happens that causes Elliott to pull away from Simone once again. What kind of man hurts a woman and enjoys it? Elliott brutally denies her sending her running to Aidan for pain to forget the love she has developed for Elliott.

This is at points brutal in the understanding of how Simone needs pain to alliviate a broken heart and at other points gentle as Elliott starts to date Simone. It is such a contrasting part of the story arc and I found myself falling in love with this part of the story for it’s honesty in emotion.

Source: http://delightedreader.com/arc-review-denies-megan-hart