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Angels' Blood - Nalini Singh I was truly amazed that I liked this book as I was reading. It isn’t my usual kind of book. I don’t mean paranormal, but mostly a series about one character set. At least it looks like the first three books are about Elena Deveraux and Raphael. The fourth is about a character within this book that I love. That in mind, I will be reading this entire series because Nalini Singh has captured me in her web of books!

Elena Deveraux is a vampire hunter, but not just any vampire hunter, she is a hunter-born meaning she has a special talent when hunting. She is at the top of her field hunting wayward vampires who have broken their contracts with their Sire. After bagging a vampire, she is assigned to help an archangel on her next mission. But this time she won’t be hunting vampires, but an archangel who has gone bad.

Archangel Raphael contracts Elena to find the rogue archangel and expect total obedience. So what happens when Elena pushes those boundaries and defies him at every turn? Sparks! Raphael is no longer bored, but finds himself intrigued with a human who could defy him. A mortal with a very short life span compared to his immortality. While he is intrigued and attracted, he makes very sure she knows the consequences if she should fail to do the job he has hired her for.

Weaved deeply into this story, I could not put it down. Elena is such a strong character and you adore her for standing up to an immortal who could end her life so easily. Raphael didn’t fare so well in my opinion. I understood his concern if the rogue archangel was not found that the world would become a chaotic mess. But he has lived so long, he has lost his humanity, if he ever had any. That is what I loved so much about the book, was the characters changing, coming to an understanding, then falling in love.

The secondary characters were awesome! I loved getting to know the seven who protect Raphael, but also the non-blood family who love Elena. Both sides would do anything to save and protect their own. Often this made for some funny scenes, but at other times it made for some really emotional scenes.

Nalini Singh has an incredible writing style that I find so appealing. There are never in really long drawn out love scenes in her books, but they are good solid love scenes. The emotions the characters feel often touch my heart. I have cried several times while reading her books and this one was no different. An author who can make me cry while reading is an awesome one in my book!